
Be your life architect

November 10, 2020

We work so hard planning a holiday, a wedding or a party but have we ever worked on planning our lives. Though not everything happens as we planned but having a systematic approach in life has its own advantage.

If we plan to have a systematic approach in our life, we should look out for forming a habit rather than on short or long term goal. Also, any old habit which is not providing us any benefit should be immediately reviewed or worked upon. Our life series is because of the habits we have formed.

The first and most important thing one should understand whether we are happy with the way we live life. If we have to look back and grade the quality of life we had spent, how many points we will give ourselves. Would you wish you had lived it differently, worked a little harder, lived with more discpline. If your answer is yes, then it is time to architect your own life.

Leave aside procrastination and lazy habits which have stopped you from growing. Check all your actions which you perform in a day. If they are not adding to a good habit don’t do it. Be it compulsion to check your phone or social media. Are you gaining anything from it or just wasting your precious hours. Do you ever trade off your wealth for something stupid then how can you trade off your time. Value your time and time will value you.

Live the dream life in your own terms. Be hard working, smart working, live a discipline life. This will provide you a confidence and you will be prepared to face any challenge as you will have a plan.

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