Yoga, Yoga General

Something about Hatha Yoga

October 14, 2020

I have already done a post in the past about what Yoga/Hatha Yoga mean and its significance. It would be wrong on my part if I claim that I understand its significance completely. I believe I haven’t touched the tip of it and whatever I have learned is more theoretical with some physical movements. There is a lot to explore and a lot to learn, leave alone practice.

Yoga means union or oneness. It is oneness with the supreme form. To be honest, if you keep practicing and explore more about your body, your breath, the stillness, the concentration you might feel the divine i.e the oneness. However everything requires efforts and more than efforts it is the determination and consistency which will take you to your goal.

Yoga is described as a discipline i.e atha-yoga-anushasanam. We have to do kriyas (actions) and prakriyas (process) in yoga. These require discipline. Yoga is also stillness and quietness of mind. Remember, where our mind is compared as a monkey mind constantly jumping.

The science of asana is called hatha yoga. Ha means sun and ta means moon. Our physical body is considered to have both the combination of masculine (sun part) – active & hot and the feminine (moon part) – receptive & cool. By following the physical asana or the hatha yoga we can bring balance to our body.

In Hatha yoga, we have 84 asanas that can be practiced to attain a higher self.

A short video I found, which demonstrates the 84 asanas.

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