If you are among those people who associate Yoga with flexibility alone and images of Yoga teachers in near impossible poses daunt you then just take a deep breath and relax.
Those images might be so motivating for you that you would be googling the next Yoga studio at your place or you might completely drop the idea of Yoga.
Just understand that Yoga is for everyone even if you are too inflexible, young, huge or simply disinterested.
Do you know that world’s youngest yoga teacher in 2010, was this 6 year old?
Yoga is not just asana, it is combination of asana, Pranayama and Mediation.
All these three things unite body, mind and soul. Yoga connects you to your inner self. Help you to rediscover yourself and provides you both physically and mentally strength.
Physically : Yoga is an excellent exercise for weight loss, to improve flexibility. Doing Yoga everyday will help you to become flexible and you will wonder how this Yoga journey have helped you.
Mentally: In this fast pacing life anything can put you in pressure. Your boss at work ,that irritating colleague of yours, an untidy house. Literally anything can blow your fuse.
Everyday practicing some of the Mediation techniques and Pranayama can activate parts of your brain and body. It will reduce the fluctuation of the mind and will help you to get free from anger, fear, regret, frustration which are the major causes of stress.
You can start Yoga at any phase of your life. Our life is precious and we all deserve a healthy, anger free life. We are the sole reason for all our anger and frustration. The moment we start controlling our emotions half of our life’s issues are gone. Yoga acts as a catalyst, a path finder, to reach that Happy Me.
Join this journey and let’s all make this world a very beautiful place to live in.
You can find out why I want to again start Yoga from here :
Why I again want to start Yoga?
or you can have first basic understanding of Yoga and its origination from here:
Origination of Yoga
Keep reading, I am soon going to introduce you to some asanas to kick off the Yoga practice.