
How strength makes you better

June 11, 2021
short haired sick woman doing exercised in hospital

Are you obsessed with yoga and still find Intermediate asanas difficult. You want to fly like a bird in crow pose but lack the strength to accomplish it. You have been doing yoga for few months and still not able to accomplish some of the poses. It can be due to lack of strength. Intermediate asanas require some type of strength whether the core or the arms strength.

Now you know the importance of strength but what’s next. Building strength takes time and patience. It is not some kind of fad diet that will work instantly. So, first work on the mental strength which is most required.

Strength training

Grit and strength

Introspect yourself and go deep inside your heart and think of the solid reason empowered by the emotion on why you want the strength training.

Make sure the reason is so strong that it keeps you motivated. Over the period of time, your improvement will also keep you motivated.

We all are aging and if you are in your late thirties you might have seen that things are not the same. Your body is not that agile, your dance moves are not that perfect and it takes good breaths before you finish a dance sequence.

Your body has changed and you want your old body and power back.

Any physical activity is a way to improve your health. You will keep away arthritis, heart diseases, cholesterol, osteoporosis.

And what’s more, you will find yourself more energetic. The days which go without yoga for me are so dull and always dragging. I feel I lack sufficient energy. Lifting weights and groceries are tiresome. If I am in perfect shape, I feel light and happy. No task seems difficult and my mood is always up.

Ok…so now we all know the benefits of exercise, strength training, keeping your body in motion but what should I do now and how.

How to start Strength training?

Before we deep dive into some more basics, let’s understand that moving your muscles outside the comfort zone by pushing some higher work makes you build strength. Once you are familiar with the current weight progressively improve it by adding more weight to the present one.

a) Start with 10 squats and 10 pushups. Also, even one proper pushups can be tough for beginner. In that case start with the knee pushup and if that also seems hard, do a pushup against the wall.

You can include a variety in the squats. Check out the below link for different types of squats.

45 Squat Variations to Maximize Your Workout (

b) Increase it more to 15 and then to 20.

Accept the soreness after your first session but strength after later on :). Continue even after soreness.

c) Once familiar with normal strength exercise, you can continue to Chair Squats, Lunges, Vertical Leg Crunches, Back extensions.

The other strength building exercise is Plank. Check more about it from here :

Plank :An exercise to increase your strength

But before that make a mental note and imagine where you want to be.

You might be dreaming of that body or may be thinking of becoming regular in your workout. Whatever is your mission, make sure to put all your efforts and finish it so that you can start a new one.

At the end, one needs to be blissful and delighted in their daily life. No matter how mundane your chores seem to be, you should be able to accompany it with enthuthiasm.

Last year and this year have taught us how important health is for us. Once should be grateful for each day. Delighted to be alive and spend time on the things that really matter.

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