Yoga General
Yoga Blogs that I follow
There are so many beautiful and inspiring Yoga blogs which give you a kick to keep working like them.…
April 25, 2016There are so many beautiful and inspiring Yoga blogs which give you a kick to keep working like them.…
April 25, 2016Setu Bandhasana or Bridge Pose, is a backbend exercise to build the core muscles. It may look easy at…
April 21, 2016Before starting the belly weight reduction challenge series, I really wanted to be sure that I don’t quit this…
April 19, 2016Every day when I start my morning with Yoga asana, I feel blessed. I feel blessed for my health,…
April 14, 2016We all have dreams and desire. It is a different thing, how strong our emotions are, to achieve them.…
April 10, 2016Dancer’s pose is known as Natarajasana in Sanskrit. Nata means a dancer, Raja means King and Asana means Pose.…
April 4, 2016Written with from India