Life Hack

Level up your life, every single day

February 10, 2016
Level up your life, every single day

Shouldn’t be our life be an inspiration at least for us.Shouldn’t be we improving us by leveling ourselves up with each passing day.

Leveling up, to be better than the previous day. Leveling up, by eating a thing right from the previous day, by exercising a little more than the previous day, by reading a little more than the previous day, by showing a little more positive attitude than the previous day, by meditating a little more than the previous day.

Level up your life, every single day

Level up your life, every single day

So today’s post is all about : Level up your life

I have accidentally bumped into an awesome site Nerd Fitness. The man behind this site is Steve Kamb. He is the person who motivates you to get fit. He talks about exercises, healthy eating and much more.Yes, he is the one who talks about level up your life, every single day.

He is also a successful blogger who earns in six figures. According to his previous interviews he doesn’t care much about SEO and all. He writes blog posts for people to find a solution. If you check his posts,they are very detailed and lengthy.In-spite of this, his articles are in top searches. (Even, I landed up at his blog from simple google search)

Here is something from his blog, about his blog:

“The tagline for this site is “Level up your life, every single day.” If I do my job right, you’ll wake up every day a little healthier than you were yesterday – eat a little better, get a little stronger, run a little faster, and feel a little better about yourself.” Source

His site is simply amazing, he talks about Superheros and wants every one of us to find a super hero in us.

Apart from this, he has some super success stories which further encourage you to just gear up and level up your life.

Recently he has published his book on fitness “Level up your life“. If you like his site and want to read more about what he has written, you can buy his book online.The book is all about unlocking the adventure and happiness by becoming the hero of your own story.

Steve used to train himself in gym to get the desired shape. However after 6 years of working out, he was not getting what he wished and finally something stuck.In his own words.

“However, it took  me six years of mistakes and wasted effort until I finally figured out how to combine proper nutrition with strength training that finally resulted in a body and life that made me proud.” Source

You can learn a lot from his advises, especially if you are looking to get into the proper shape and interested in strength training.

When I checked out his site, I found he has courses both for girls and boys. (~ $100).

Right now, I don’t want to subscribe to those courses as I am on my own journey. Also, I believe $100 is on a little higher side, especially if you consider the Indian rupee depreciating each day.

However there are some simple tips and suggestions on diet which you can read.

In case, you feel you are ready for final level up of your life, then go for it. You can first go and buy the book to understand more($10+~ $11+) of his tips and points. Decision regarding buying his book or subscribing to the course is totally yours.

This is a simple recommendation about the blog and  not a paid one about book or any courses.

Level up your life, every single day

Level up your life, every single day

I always feel that sharing access to good blogs or good sites links, always saves time and gives quality access to the readers.

Also he has other e-books published some years earlier: the Rebel Fitness Guide,  Rebel Running Guide, and Rebel Strength Guide

Also, Steve recommends Yoga for strength training and getting fit. You can also check out his Yoga videos.

Let me know how you find his site  and how level up your life motivates you.

In case you also have any suggestions about good blog or reading material, please share. Remember together we improve.

Till then Happy Reading and Practicing.

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  • Rishi February 10, 2016 at 3:53 pm

    It is very good are also guiding us to other health and fitness related portals. I went to Steve’s website and found it very inspirational. Continue the good initiative!

    • yogafreak February 11, 2016 at 10:22 am

      Thanks a lot Rishi …Glad you liked Steve’s site.

  • Bikram February 11, 2016 at 5:37 pm

    well Thank you so much for referring .. I am sure the likes of me can benefit a lot if we try some of the exercises …

    Bikram recently posted…Thursday Challenge(62) – LotsMy Profile

    • yogafreak February 12, 2016 at 10:46 am

      Thanks for reading, Bikram. For me, Steve is really an inspiration. His site will definitely help many of us.

  • Tips Clear March 28, 2016 at 3:26 pm

    Well said, keep publishing like this

    • yogafreak March 28, 2016 at 4:09 pm

      Thanks for reading it.