Life Hack

Ways to beat Monday Blues

November 30, 2015
Ways to beat Monday Blue

Well if you one of those people who dread Monday, then you are not alone. There are many people who are in the same boat. This fear creeps in during Sunday evening and stays there until we come face to face with Mondays.

Here are some tips that might help you to feel better if not awesome

Change your attitude

It is all in the mind. Do you still remember the day, when you were searching for jobs or competing in the college with others in order to secure this job? Doing everything to get this job.

When you first joined the job, there was a fire in your belly and you wanted to overachieve in your work. Reignite this fire. Don’t take anything for granted.

No matter how much you want to change the job, respect the job at hand. If you are really unhappy with the present work and you feel stuck in the present job, try to learn the skills where you want to go.

Just being bitter in the job, won’t help anyone. I believe in the Law of Attraction. Whatever you think and want, you will achieve. The more positive you remain, the more good will happen. Just make a plan for yourself and keep working.

Plan ahead for work on Fridays

Generally Fridays are lighter for many people. And there is always some extra energy we feel on Friday, due to approaching weekends. With this enthusiasm, if you can prepare something for Mondays you will feel more relax on Monday mornings.

You can prepare a To-do list for Mondays and plan it well. On Mondays, you will find 10% of your work already done with your organized list you made on Friday.

Get your stuff ready on Sunday

Decide and pick up your office clothes, decide what you are going to make for breakfast. Half of the battle is already won when we are prepared.

Have a good night sleep

Plan before hand for Monday

Plan before hand for Monday

Try to sleep early on Sunday nights and try to wake a little early than usual on Monday. A little extra time in your hand will save you in many ways. Also, a good sleep will relax your body and you will feel energetic in the morning

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise on Monday morning

I always bring the importance of moving your body. No matter how busy you might be, or how dull you must be feeling, try to start your day with little physical activity.

I consider this as a best way to beat your Monday’s blue

Plan to prepare something special for evening

Monday Dinner

Special Monday Dinner

You can end your day by treating yourself with special meal. Plan for it ahead. The excitement of a good dinner will keep your spirits high in the office and on the way back from work.

Be grateful and thank for the day

He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has. ~Epictetus

We all should be grateful for the things we have in our hand and work for a better future. Your future is not always be shaped by the things that happened to you but how you react to the situation.

In the end, always keep the hope alive for a better future, set some goals for yourself and be passionate about it. You will be amazed to see, how this passion helps you to get the best of each days.

There are some other things also, which you can follow to save yourself from this fear. Check out this link for this.

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  • Tips Clear March 28, 2016 at 3:29 pm

    How much you prepare, make exercise or even finish while work, the Monday Blue never leaves. Your steps may give some self satisfaction, not fully cure the Genetically mingled Monday Blues…….
    Tips Clear recently posted…Review preventive healthcare services provided by ThyrocareMy Profile